Annual Meeting and AGM: Monday 11 May from 5:30pm Hall 7, ICC Broad St, Birmingham
Chaplaincy: A Business-eye View
Mike Murray, Senior Development Surveyor for St Modwen Longbridge, and Shelley Phelan, Executive Director for Equalities, Diversity and Safeguarding at Bournville College, will be speaking about their organisations and how Chaplaincy adds value. The Longbridge redevelopment has had a Construction Chaplain for three years, and there are now Retail Chaplains to the new shops. Bournville College has had a team of Chaplains for two years, and they work with staff and students.
A recent report into Chaplaincy has identified the benefits of Chaplaincy to enterprises and organisations: as well as addition pastoral care, Chaplains also help create a sense of work community, provide an independent voice and can advise on religious diversity issues. Chaplains are there for people of any faith or no faith: their agenda is to see people and organisations flourish in a wholesome way.
The meeting will also include a short AGM business meeting, and refreshments. Get in touch if you would like to join us.