CIGB is supporting workplaces:
- in their values, employment morale and community links
- providing advice and experience in dealing with issues of faith practice at work and managing faith spaces.
- we have over 50 workplace chaplaincies across Birmingham and Solihull.
- See below for how we can assist you.
Businesses with good employment relations practices fared better during the recession according to a survey of British workplaces published Nov 2013 by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS).
The Workplace Employment Relations Study (WERS) found that private businesses that had established very good HR relations with their employees were less likely to have been damaged by the recession. Whilst those that had not were ten per cent more likely to have been weakened by the recession.
The Report (Employment Relations in the Shadow of Recession: Findings from the 2011 Workplace Employment Relations Study is published by Palgrave MacMillan (ISBN 978-1-137-27576-9) and sponsored by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), Acas, the UK Commission for Employment and Skills (UKCES) and the National Institute for Economic and Social Research (NIESR).
Acas (Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service: believe that “good workplace relations can help businesses to succeed and grow. This latest report shows that good employment relations practices can also help businesses when times get tough. More employees were committed to the organisation they work for – 74% of employees reported feeling loyal to their organisation, up from 70%.”
CIGB can assist:
Support and advice on religious diversity and understanding; connections to local communities to enhance your corporate social responsibility; part-time regular chaplaincy to your organisation. Get in touch for advice and support.
Listening, advice and connection supportive faith communities (if desired) when life is a bit of a struggle; and celebration of good news. Discernment of the role of faith in working life. Prayer. Get in touch.
Birmingham Faith Map
This has just had a major re-vamp and has been re-launched. It is a useful resource that can help people find places of worship, but also find out about activities at places of worship and what’s on. visit:
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