Our annual Commissioning Service took place on Sunday 24th November at 3.00pm at Trinity United Reformed Church in Hall Green.
The Commissioning Service is an annual ecumenical CIGB event at which new workplace chaplains are commissioned and existing workplace chaplains have the opportunity to rededicate themselves to this work. It was good to commission 13 new chaplains who will be working in different areas including retail, waterways and National Express West Midlands buses; and to give established chaplains an opportunity to re-dedicate themselves to this work. Seventy people – most of them serving or new chaplains attended this event – and we were delighted to welcome Councillor Mike Leddy, Lord Mayor of Birmingham, who spoke from his own experience as a businessman of the value of workplace chaplains. Our main speaker was Carole Parkes who gave an insightful address entitled “Workplace, Wealth: Worship”, which you can download below.