Prayer and Worship

CIGB holds examples of prayers, hymns, and worship resources for use in Church.

Contact us for full access.

We have prepared a prayer cycle, to pray for different occupations through the year: available here

Some worship outlines have been prepared by Methodist Church Faith and Work Programme:

‘All life belongs to God’ and ‘Spiritual Armour’; ‘Our Christian Calling’ and ‘God as Midwife’; ‘A day in the life of’ and ‘Lord of Time’

Some examples:

O Christ, the Master Carpenter, who at the last, through wood and nails, purchased our whole salvation,

wield well your tools in the workshop of your world, so that we who come rough-hewn to your bench

may here be fashioned to a truer beauty of your hand.

We ask it for your own name’s sake.  Amen


God, you have set before us a great hope that your kingdom will come on earth,

and have taught us to pray for its coming;

make us ever ready to thank you for the signs of its dawning,

and to pray and work for the perfect day when your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.


Listen to the exhortation of the dawn:

Look well to this day!  For it is life;

The very life of life.

In its brief course lie all the verities

and the realities of your existence;

The bliss of growth

The glory of action

The splendour of beauty:

For yesterday is but a dream,

And tomorrow is just a vision;

But today well lived

Makes every yesterday a dream of happiness,

And every tomorrow a vision of hope.

Look well, therefore, to this day!

Such is the salutation of the dawn.

(From the Sanskrit)

A Litany for people who work

Remembering the generosity of your creation,

Help us to find opportunities for our creativeness,

In you we trust, O Lord.

Remembering the sacrifice made by Jesus Christ,

Help us to be prepared to give of ourselves that others may gain,

In you we trust, O Lord.

Remembering the agony and death of Jesus Christ,

Help us to carry the feelings of betrayal and loss,

In you we trust, O Lord.

Remembering the redemption offered to us,

Help us to be ready to forgive and accept,

In you we trust, O Lord.

Remembering the gift of the Holy Spirit,

Help us to bring comfort, consolation and hope to others,

In you we trust, O Lord.

Remembering the Salvation promised to us,

Help us to bring new life into our workplace,

In you we trust, O Lord.

Remembering your promise of eternal life,

Help us to join in bringing in your kingdom in our places of work,

In you we trust, O Lord


From a desire to control;

From flagrant use of resources;

From selfishness and a sense of self-importance;

From the misuse of authority and power,

Good Lord, release us.

From easy compromise;

From shameful practices;

From bribery and corruption;

From exploitation of people,

Good Lord, release us.

From extortionate pressures;

From unachievable targets;

From unsupportable expectations;

From unreasonable delegation,

Good Lord, release us.

From discriminatory practice;

From insensitivity to other’s needs and feelings;

From fear of keeping silent;

From fear of speaking out,

Good Lord, release us.

From a sense of despair;

From feelings of rejection and worthlessness;

From the experience of powerlessness;

From the threat of insecurity,

Good Lord, release us.